
Clark Mumaw
2 min readMar 19, 2023


This will be controversial. Do you not continue to read without expecting yourself to disagree or think this way of thinking is wrong. You are free to disagree and believe this is wrong but I will not be replying to any comments on this concept.

The public discussion about consent has focused on sex. That is an important aspect and was a much-needed public discussion. But it was also one-sided, it was the feminine concern over being able to give consent for how her body is used. I totally agree that everyone should have control over their body and not just for sex but when it comes to medical operations too.

Should we not therefore then expand the discussion to the one of money? How a person uses their body in order to make money should be under the exclusive free will of that person. That's it seems to make sense that, whoever makes the money should have the right over saying how it is spent. If you did not make the money yourself then it is not yours to have a final say in how it is spent.

Just as a husband does not have the right to use his wife’s body for sex without her unforced consent. Neither does the wife have the right to spend her husband’s money without his consent. And going one more step, then neither person has the right to make expectations and commit the other on how the other person spends their time. (the ever popular honey do lists)… (the un-communicated expectations of who does what in a household and when)

You do have the right to leave a relationship if you have tried and can not change your expectations. But you do not have the right to manipulate or otherwise coerce someone into meeting your expectations.

If you want to create a great relationship keep an eye on how you do not make assumptions regarding another’s body, money or time.



Clark Mumaw

ex-computer networking technician, post stroke survivor, metaphysical explorer, philosopher, interested in human psychology and spirituality