Body/Mind/Spirit Healing

Clark Mumaw
6 min readSep 26, 2023

My story of detachment. About 30 years ago I noticed that during a movie I would lose myself in the story and get scared or experience some other emotion.

This seemed wrong to me. Since a movie was not real I should not be having real emotions. It was clear to me that I got two lost in the reality of the movie I needed to practice some type of detached awarewness.

So I began to practice awareness breathing during the scary parts of movies. This consisted of simply being aware of (following with my consciousness) my breath while watching the movie. It helped with all movies and all emotions during all events.

Thus began my real life journey of detachment. If I quit doing awareness breathing I could still get lost in a movie and take on emotions as if they were real.

It took years of doing this before it was natural and I no longer needed the breath awareness in order to stay detached from movie emotions.

At some point it became a natural idea that I could also do this with all of life’s events too. I did not have to become subservient to having emotions due to life events. I could have emotions without having them pop up and control me.

It was not breath awareness that I used this time. For me it was body awareness that was my next stage development. This stage has been about 30 years for me and is still not complete.

I would go to a craniosacral therapy session and get soft tissue relaxation from it. I would then reengage with Life and try to maintain that soft tissue opening. After a couple days or so I would have lost the gains made in my last CS session and have to go again. But overtime (repeated sessions) I was able to hold the gains and get to another layer below that needed softening.

This was a lot like peeling an onion. There were layers after layers that needed attention. 30 years of layers. Right now it seems like there may be a never ending subtleness to the layers that need attention. But maybe not.

I know that my healing journey with the body has started at my waist or should I say my coccyx and move upwards to my head. Alternative medicine would say I start at my root chakra and I'm moving up through the body and will continue until I reach the crown chakra. I don’t know. I’m currently at my throat and beginning to move into my head. Does this ever end? Does it shift into purely energetic layers once the physical is done?

Alongside this detaching from emotions journey. I have a parallel detaching from thoughts journey. I noticed that my thoughts were also creating negative emotions. I needed to control/influence my negative thoughts and carry more positive beliefs and ideas.

One part of this journey had me keeping a gratitude journal. I would daily write out things I was thankful for. Almost like a prayer. I did this once a day at no set time. But I did do it religiously once a day. I'm not sure how long this lasted. I guess 2–3 years.

Another part of this journey was a natural result of the bodywork. As I cleared physical stress my thoughts naturally became more positive. The frequency of negative thoughts, each day per day, was definitely lessened as the result of the progress of my body work.

And then I got a gift. LOL If you can call a stroke a gift! Yet in my case the stroke was definitely a gift. I would not give up my stroke if it also meant giving up the other benefgits I’ve gained. Stroke destroyed part of my central brain’s neural net work. The main effect was on my ability to move/walk. A large portion of my left side because “dead?” (offline) lacked sensory awareness due to the neural network loss. Many nerves were no longer connected to the brain. The 2 way signaling between the body and brain was disconnected.

One side effect gift of this loss was to also infuse me with a positive sense of my future recovery. I knew I was going to recover even though I had no evidence. Even though no one else had really done it. I had an knowing that it was my destiny. Along with that came a positive mindset that was almost completely opposite the negative when I had growing up. It was like a negative thought would get transformed/transmuted and almost instantly changed into a positive idea. A negative thought or doom about something would never last more than a day or week before it got changed. It was like I was turning lemons into lemonade without effort.

This gift was bestowed about halfway through my journey and has continued through to today. I rarely first see the negative about something or some event. And when I do it rapidly changes to seeing a potential positive. While a positive mindset was a gift of the stroke holding onto that gift has been a daily practice. I have no doubt that without practicing focusing on the positive I would have gone back to the negative mindset.

I did several things that boosted my positive practice. I quit watching all TV and swore off all news. I quit reading newspapers and magazines. I refused to go to any movies unless they had a positive message for me to digest. I quit listening to any music that was not relaxing and pleasing to my ears.

I started working on my beliefs and becoming aware of which beliefs were not healthy for me. Finding and adopting new positive beliefs what is a huge part of my time spent fostering a positive mindset practice. Replacing unhealthy beliefs was definitely a critical part of my journey.

By idea of hell had to go. The idea that God was anything but a loving parent had to go. The idea that universe was chaos or chaotic was also unhealthy and was tossed out. I was ruthless in chasing down these unhealthy beliefs and sending them packing.

If I believed it was unhealthy for me I replaced it regardless of how many people thought otherwise. There was not a science fact or voice of authority out there that could tell me a certain belief was healthy for me if I disagreed. My inner sense of what was healthy for me was solid and unmovable.

As I became more and more detached from events and thoughts I was better able to sustain good health. I was no longer reacting to events nor ideas with negative thoughts and emotions. I was generating my own positive thoughts and emotions from the inside.

Much of the second half of this journey has not been focused at all on detaching from thoughts and emotions. Most of the second half has been focused on physical healing like my regular CranioSacral body work.

Least do you think any cranial sacral therapist will help you achieve what I did. You need to know that the guy I went to was also an energy healer as well as a high-level proficient CS therapist. So I was getting both energy work and physical work done in the same session by the same person on a weekly basis.

Well, at first it was weekly only 1/2 of the year. Since he was in Florida and I was in Indiana. I was only getting treated when my parents and I snowbirded to Florida during the Indiana Winters. When I moved to Florida permanently then I was able to hit weekly sessions all year long and that helped speed my progress. Currently due to financial concerns I am only able to go every other week. This is slowing my progress but it has not stopped it.

I rarely react to life's events with any type of emotional reaction. I still have a few mental events that I react to with emotions. As I become aware of them the awareness begins the process of removing it’s control over me. And usually they slowly dissolve.



Clark Mumaw

ex-computer networking technician, post stroke survivor, metaphysical explorer, philosopher, interested in human psychology and spirituality