failure/success: the false pathway

Clark Mumaw
3 min readFeb 13, 2022

failure and success are what most people strive for, focus on and measure the quality of their experiences. But both are distractions from the real work at hand. You see, when the focus is on either achieving success or feeling a failure, … it is the LEARNING of the journey itself that is ignored.

A person will miss the lessons the journey provided all because they are focused on judging the outcome.

A crises of car breakdown is judged a failure while missing that lessons of patience being taught. A championship win is judged success while missing the lessons of leadership being offered.

All events offer learning, only those who have eyes to see will take advantage and leverage them self upwards.

It is assumed those with success got their privileged success because little successes grew into ever larger ones. It is likewise assumed those with failure got their low life positions because every little failure grew into ever tarpits of despair. Neither of these are true.

Those in the tarpits never learned to see the lessons offered and learn from them. Neither did those at the top learn to see the lessons offered and grow into better people. In the spiritual realm, in life after life your successes and failures do not travel with you. But the lessons learned do.

You see championships are part of life and impermanent. Tarpits in 3D are also impermanent. Oh they seem real enough but none of them outlast your life.

The question becomes, WELL? … What does?

Consciousness … consciousness its self is quantum and reaches beyond space and time. Consciousness is the stuff of infinity. Consciousness is the ocean of all life. Consciousness is the original web, the original blueprint, the true spiritual internet of things.

When one discovers the focus of expanding consciousness, removing diseased ideas, healing the missing pieces, the journey home is brought closer … faster.

When one discovers the pleasures of connecting to consciousness. Temporal ideas like success and failure are forgotten.

When consciousness is elevated every moment in time becomes an opportunity to expand/discover/elevate.

When the finite is focused on consciousness shrinks, ones world becomes more squished.

When the temporal is the most important ones divinity loses forward progress.

When the provisional goals are highly valued, one continue to chase them and the tarpit grows stickier.

There is a way out. There is a door few open. There is indeed a secret passageway in the back of the closeted mind.

But no one can tell you how to walk this elusive path. Yet the hints are everywhere for you to find. let’s review a few.

The saints are seekers who never gave up.

The unifiers are separatists who stopped seeing separation.

The lovers are haters who let go of anger and resentment.

Those that graduate are those without success or failure

Those whose high emotions are used to enhance the call are finally answered.

Those whose minds have cracks allow light in.

And everyone with the fluidity of the ocean make more progress than those with the solidarity of rocks.

No I do not expect anyone to find their answers/secrets in this unless they already have found the answer/secret.

Yet this is the path, this is the way.

Shape your mind into a tool. Balance your soul into greater perfection. Discard ideas which do not serve your growth.

Ascension is but one more goal not to be achieved but lived.

Spiritual growth is not so much a doing as a being.

A focus on success and failure will delay your journey.



Clark Mumaw

ex-computer networking technician, post stroke survivor, metaphysical explorer, philosopher, interested in human psychology and spirituality