Harnessing the healing spiral of being and doing
There is a wonderful back-and-forth between being and doing. This natural pendulum swing can be utilized to create an upward spiritual path.
It can start with either being are doing. Due to the need to start somewhere I'll start with being. In my experience being is equal to the state of now or flow or awareness. One can use the state of awareness to be more cognizant of the invisible actions and forces determining the events around you, so that you can navigate them with grace and ease. The more you can navigate the events of your life with grace and ease, the more you can influence the outcomes to benefit yourself and others. When you step in to influencing outcomes you step into doing instead of being. In other words you have used the state of awareness and being to benefit your doing state.
In the doing state, you accumulate experiences which you can learn from. Hopefully these learnings increase the awareness of how things work and what will benefit others and yourself. As you maximize the lessons of doing, you bring them back to the reflection state of being. In the reflection state of being you ponder how to improve on them. Once you have any ideas to try out you can reengage with doing.
Doing becomes the fertile ground for learning lessons, and being becomes a fertile ground for new ideas to try out. Of course not every idea yields the results you hope for. Neither does every doing yield all of the lessons you need in one go around.
In a way I've done nothing more than describe the fairly mundane and regular practice we have all done to improve any activity we are doing. Although we might call practicing and getting coaching. Or maybe some recognize it by experimenting and observing.
Whatever we decide to call it, what is most important is that you learn how to use it.