Because I had some kidney stones,I had some experiences with the medical industry that caused me to question the information I was being given. I found some answers that worked for me that traditional doctors (western MDs) ignored.
Along comes CV19 and I’m skeptical enough to question the ingredients in the new mRNA vaccines. I learned that one of the preservatives they were using was an ingredient they said was safe but I thought I had experiential proof they it caused me my kidney stones. propylene glycol was used to make ice cream softer and most people did not seem to have my problem. As long as I did not eat store bought ice cream I did not have a kidney stone. As long as I only ate homemadeicecream I did not get kidney stones.
At first it was easy because propylene glycol was listed on the ingredients of ice cream. But it started to dissapear and I went looking for why? Since the softness quality of ice cream had not changed I was skeptical that it was no longer included.
Then I discovered a law was passed that basically said if the ingredient is considered industry standard it does not have to be list. Grrrrr. Ok no one else has my problem so I HAVE look out for my self and be skeptical. Since I also had a stroke in 2008, I’ve also become alot more health conscious.
My skepticism has me think they say the CV vaccines are safe but offer no independent third party proof. They say they ran studies and say it safe. But why should I believe a drug industry that does not actually cure? And the law protects them from lawsuits by reasoning they (vaccines) are unavoidable unsafe. Clearly I can not trust them to have my interests as a priority. In short I decided to download the gov’ts own database on adverse reactions to vaccines (VAERS) and see what was in there.
I went TO, and download the data.
That gave me the yearly data files from 1990–2021. Here’s the data I collected.
The 2021vearsdata.csv has 537,964 lines of adverse vax reports
The 2020vearsdata.cvs has only 50,146 lines of adverse vax reports
Worried about possible stroke issues, I opened both files to count the number of times the word “clot” was used.
Total lines in the 2021 report was 538,964, while 2020 was only 50,146 lines’
Total times the word clot was mentioned in 2021 wasc 18,976 while 2020 only had 316.
Total times the word thrombosis was mentioned in 2021 wasc 3,989 while 2020 only had 51.
Total times the words deep vein thrombosis [dvt] (spelled out) in 2021 wasc 1.181 while 2020 had 0.
Total times the “dvt” (the abreviation) was mentioned in 2021 wasc 18,976 while 2020 only had 55.
Total times kidney stones were mentioned in 2021 was 2,117 while 2020 only had 71.
While this was not proof, I was using the DB the way it was intended to look for symptoms that might tell the gov’t to use more caution.
The vaers reports were filled out only by doctors. and they take time being that they are several pages long. Due to this many think events are under reported by as many as 10x-100x. After all doctors are busy.
In short, tthe data was showing the mRNA shots were not as safe as was indicated. That the issues were going unreported. that the people charged with the safety of the public either did not know or worse were willingly negligent.