Inside Out Metaphors

Clark Mumaw
5 min readOct 9, 2023

Inside out & Outside in

As above so below

Mobius strip

This is about two way system of healing on the spiritual journey. This is about learning to see/understand the spiritual journey so that when these terms/metaphors are used by higher vibrational sources there is no confusion.

From one perspective, the spiritual journey is inward. The escape of the illusion is inward. Picture an onion or nested eggs. The near term goal is to discover and remove each layer of the onion in sequence. The long term goal is to reach the center of the all of the layers.

The interesting and confusing part is that as you move inward, there is a simultaneous and equivalent moving outward. As you remove one layer and go inward your energy field moves one layer outward and gets brighter. Both movements are essentially unseen and invisible to both yourself and others. But it is not completely unseen on invisible. It can be felt. It is sometimes unquantifiable yet distinguishable. Not so much tangibly seen and measured but more like an unconscious attraction.

This is what is meant by inside out and outside in. There are many different metaphors that could be used for this. I could have used nested eggs or even the chakra system that goes from a root to Crown.

This is a good place to bring up the concept of spiritual bypass. What is spiritual bypass? It is the taking of a shortcut. Short cuts always have positives and negatives that go with them. Ayahuasca and other chemicals are spiritual shortcuts that can help a person on their journey.

The positive side here is it can give someone a taste of what it would be like when they reach the goal or the center of the layered onion. This taste can keep someone going for all the years that it takes to remove all the layers and reach the center through other methods. I’m all for SAFE ways to reach the center and being able to give people a taste of the benefits of the goal.

But there is also a serious negative side here to consider. Reaching the center without cleaning up the outer layers can have a myriad of different negative outcomes. As severe as psychotic breaks or mental issues, and as minor as the inability to stay in the center. The belief that you are doing fine and all is well is great until you have to encounter one of your outer layers again. And life has a funny way of forcing you to encounter those unfinished outer layers and deal with them. This is much like cleaning up your bedroom while the rest of the house is completely falling apart. You are fine as long as you stay in the clean bedroom. Happy, joyful, content and peaceful. But as soon as you venture outside the bedroom to engage with other life you are knocked off-center. Even something as simple as going to the bathroom could be an exercise in emotional disruptions due to the chaos of energy you encounter that is nothing more than your own un-dealt with outter onion layers.

I am not opposed to Safe shortcuts that help people reach the center. I am opposed to not going back and cleaning up the areas that were bypassed to reach the center. I find that people who are in the center are not very motivated to going outside of it and cleaning up the rest of the house. I understand this and think it is a normal consequence of being in the center. It is easy, while in the center, to delude yourself and believe all is well and that you are done. This is a lot like becoming suddenly rich and being able to insulate yourself from the poor. You forget about all of the struggle pain and suffering that goes on around outside your bubble of protection. You become disengaged from the cleanup portion of yourself and your life.

From the perspective of all-is-one, this uncleaned up outer layers are many pieces that have not been incorporated (unified) back into the center. There are many pieces that remain lost and excluded.

In essence spiritual bypass can only take you so far because of these lost pieces.

In other words, even if one reaches the heart of the matter when hands head and feet are left behind and un-healed they still serve as imperfect sensors and doers in the world. These imperfect senses/sensors/tools distort our sense of reality. They cause us to respond to events in less than optimal ways. This is like trying to drive without corrective glasses. Mistakes will be made while dealing with the outside world.

Enough about spiritual bypass. Maybe too much.

This was supposed to be about how the outside/in Journey is simultaneously an inside/out Journey. How, … as we heal what is inside, we simultaneously heal what is outside. How, … as we affect of the journey of those below the heavens, we also affect the journey of those in the heavens.

As I heal each layer going toward a center I become more calm, more peaceful, more joyful, more still, more kind.

And as those aspects are increased they increase the size and brightness of my auric energy field. Automatically impacting everyone around me.

The work of healing the body is an exploration in directly healing the physical and emotional which indirectly heals the energetic and soul (spirit). Each step must be repeated until it sticks. For example, a stiffness in one area must be repeatedly softened until it no longer gets stiff even when exposed to new trauma, new events and new demands.

The work of healing the body can also be an exploration directly healing the energetics and soul (spirit) which indirectly heals the physical and emotional. Here too, one must do the healing repeatedly until it sticks. For example, an area where are the energy is stuck and does not flow must have flow reestablished until it no longer gets blocked up by exposure to new trauma, new events and new demands.

This is the detailed unpacking of the inside out journey that is also the outside in Journey. It is the same journey just seen from two different perspectives.

This journey is also marked by cliff and plateaus.



Clark Mumaw

ex-computer networking technician, post stroke survivor, metaphysical explorer, philosopher, interested in human psychology and spirituality