My Karma ran over My Dogma
There are plenty of people defining Karma, but not giving it context.
What is the context of karma? The evolution of consciousness
In the evolution of consciousness, there are different levels of consciousness. I’m not going to define them. Only refer to a general metaphor.
This evolution of consciousness is like 7 notes on a piano but better is the 7 chakras of the Indian energy centers. Consciousness starts out at the root chakra and progresses to the crown chakra. This evolution is not fast, in fact it is rather slow.
With in this system of seven, there needed to be a driving force to assist this evolution. That force is karma.
And once consciousness gets to a certain level of evolution Karma is no longer needed. Evolution shifts from an unconscious process to a conscious process. That conscious process is driven by the heart. But it would be more accurate to say it is driven by a balance of Love and Wisdom.
Drawing a hardline between the chakras is not accurate. It would be too simplistic to say that once the heart chakra is open that karma is no longer needed. One can not love every negative soul into a positive one. Because not every negative soul is ready for that. Will that work for some? Yes.
Being able to discern which souls and which situations will be assisted and opened by the gift of love is what I call wisdom. Being able to discern how and when the gift of love will make a positive difference is critical. This takes experience.
But when this wisdom/love experience reaches a mature and balanced state Karma is not longer needed. The love/wisdom balance can take over that process.
How and when each person reaches this a level of conscious evolution is different. Some will reach it faster than others.
There is a second contacts to consider when talking about the evolution of consciousness. SEPARATION.
At the lower levels of the chakra system, the illusion of the separation between souls is more real. While at the higher levels of the chakra system the separation between souls continues to listen until it completely disappears.
As one pierces the illusion of separation it is easier to understand what the other soul is going through and why they are acting the way they are. This piercing of the illusion allows for correct and more compassionate action.
If the highest level of conscious evolution is unity then at that level it is obvious that “OTHER” is it just another facet of myself. And it does me no good to bring any harm to another aspect of myself.
This context places “unity” at one end of the continium and “separation” at the other end. The journey is to shift in experiences from separation consciousness to unity consciousness.
This journey is equated with becoming more aware and more conscious. The benefits are to see things, people and events in new ways of understanding that allows new solutions and ways of approaching life for the betterment of everyone.
In this context, karma is not longer needed to motivate a person towards actions which benefit everyone not just a few. motivation is shift from an external force to an internal force.
Again there is no line, point, place or appointed time where this shift takes hold. Person by person it is a slow shift. It shows up nearly unannounced. However, it can be consciously chased after. The shift can be speed up by meditating on unity. By practicing seeing others as part of your self.
I hope this helps people see how karma looks when placed in a larger context. If you travel this route you will no longer have Karma to blame. Taking responsibility on your own shoulders is not ease. Without using karma to explain life’s happenings what will we replace it with?
Be care to not replace the void of the force called karma, with Dogma.