I post this for myself as a reminder of what I’ve learned what does not work for me. SO as forget or get caught up in other pieces of life, I’ve found I need to have a tangible memory I can refer back to.
As my dating & friends journey has progressed I’ve changed my criteria to looking for alignment.
In simple terms that means, is my and their values/actions in life are close enough to create natural alignment. Where we are going similar directions. Not in everything but in the core things I need met.
So identifying my core needs I must have alignment on came next.
Top 2 deal breakers no exceptions)
-Finances (since they are one of the biggest relationship busters)
-Freewill orientation (this is unique to me, my personality resistance to being told what to do.)
Next 3 are one I have left freindship/relationships before because they became deal breakers. They directly effect the quality of the relationship.
-Conflict resolution style
-Positive mental state
-Personal responsibility shouldering
-self aware
4 potential issues, I can live without but could potentially effect the relationship.
-Avoiding extremes
-Curious personality/intellect
‘-Common sense (practical nature)
These are my list of the biggest alignment isseus I must consider when looking at friendship/relationship.
The bigger the dis-alignment the less close I can be to/with them.